Маслова Наталья Владимировна

Последнее изменение: 18/01/2025 13:29:10



Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS (Yekaterinburg, Russia), and

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia), and

Ural Federal University, Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (Yekaterinburg, Russia), and

Ural Mathematical Center (Yekaterinburg, Russia), and

Hainan University (Haikou, Hainan, China)

ADDRESS: Office 607, 4 Turgeneva Str., 620075, Yekaterinburg, Russia.

E-MAIL: butterson[at]mail.ru


Group Theory (Mainly Finite Groups) and Combinatorics.

I am chairing the Ural Seminar on Group Theory and Combinatorics https://uwgtc.imm.uran.ru

MathSciNet Profile: https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet/MRAuthorID/948310

MathSciNet Publications: https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet/search/publications.html?pg1=INDI&s1=948310

RESEARCHGATE: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Natalia_Maslova

MATHNET.RU: http://www.mathnet.ru/php/person.phtml?&personid=48084&option_lang=eng

GOOGLE SCHOLAR: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?hl=ru&pli=1&user=n_gQw3gAAAAJ

WOS: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/2051396

SCOPUS: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=35386515800

eLibrary: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=624683

ZbMath: https://zbmath.org/authors/maslova.natalya-vladimirovna


2019 Doctor of Sciences (Doctor Habil.) in Mathematics. Mathematical Logic, Algebra and Number Theory. Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia. Thesis title: "Arithmetical properties and normal structure of finite groups".

2011 PhD in Mathematics. Mathematical Logic, Algebra and Number Theory. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS, Yekaterinburg, Russia. Thesis title: "Maximal subgroups of odd indices in finite almost simple groups".

2009 M. Sc. in Mathematics. Mathematical Logic, Algebra and Number Theory. Department of Mathematics and Mechanics. Ural State University (now Ural Federal University), Yekaterinburg, Russia.

2007 B. Sc. in Mathematics. Mathematis and Applied Mathematics. Department of Mathematics and Mechanics. Ural State University (now Ural Federal University), Yekaterinburg, Russia.


May 2024 - Present: Leading Researcher, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS.

September 2022 – March 2025: Visiting Professor, Hainan University.

September 2020 – Present: Leading Researcher, Ural Mathematical Center.

September 2020 – Present: Professor, Department of Algebra and Fundamental Informatics, Institute of Natural Science and Mathematics, Ural Federal University.

April 2019 – Present: Leading Researcher, Department of Algebra and Topology, Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS.

January 2015 – September 2020: Assistant Professor, Department of Algebra and Fundamental Informatics, Institute of Natural Science and Mathematics, Ural Federal University.

April 2014 – April 2019: Senior Researcher, Department of Algebra and Topology, Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS.

September 2011 – May 2015: Assistant Professor, Department of Modeling of Managed Systems, Institute of Economics and Management, Ural Federal University (Ural State Technical University).

September 2009 – May 2011: Senior Lecturer, Department of Modeling of Managed Systems, Institute of Economics and Management, Ural Federal University (Ural State Technical University).

June 2009 – April 2014: Researcher, Department of Algebra and Topology, Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS.


2020-Present: Project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the development of the regional scientific and educational mathematical center Ural Mathematical Center.

2019-2022: Grant of the Russian Science Foundation for research groups chaired by leading young researchers, Grant no. 19-71-10067.

October 9 - November 7, 2019: 2019 Cheryl E. Praeger visiting fellowship https://www.cmsc.io/cheryl-praeger-visiting-fellow .

2016-2017: Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists, Grant no. MK-6118.2016.1.

November 2016: Erasmus+ Staff Mobility at the University of Maribor, Slovenia.

2014-2016: Grant for young mathematicians of the Dmitry Zimin Foundation “Dynasty”.

2012-2013: Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists, Grant no. MK-3395.2012.1.


Jubilee Medal "300 Years of the Russian Academy of Sciences", February 8, 2024.

Plenary lecturer at (WM)^2 - World Meeting for Women in Mathematics - 2022, see https://2022.worldwomeninmaths.org/lecturers .

Badge Young Scientist, this is one of the most high-level awards of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia for young scientists.

First Prize of the Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS for the best work in Pure Mathematics in 2010 (personal) and in 2021 (shared with her PhD Student Kristina Ilenko). There is the only such prize per year for researchers up to 35 eyars old working in the Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics UB RAS.

Grand Prix of the Ural competition "The Female Face of Science 2021" (in Technical Sciences). There is the only such prize per year for female mathematicians working in Russia.

Cheryl E. Praeger Visiting Research Fellowship in 2019, see http://www.news.uwa.edu.au/2019121311773/research/visiting-research-maths-fellowship-awarded-natalia-maslova?fbclid=IwAR0-Jyt8XQdazMEs0JcH4BNvOJi7LURJ6TtG65pMv1uGPR42APiO78iK8JA

Competition of young scientists of Governor of Sverdlovsk region in 2012 (Prize for the best work in Mathematics). There is the only such prize per year for the mathematicians entire Sverdlovsk region.

The Prize of the Ural Mathematical Society in 2011. There is the only such prize per year for the mathematicians.

"The best graduate student of the Russia Academy of Sciences" in 2010.

"Scholarship to them. Petr G. Kontorovich" in 2008 (see http://kadm.kmath.ru/pages.php?id=stipendia ).

Golden medal "For special achievements in learning" in 2003.


50. V. Arvind, P.J. Cameron, X. Ma, N.V. Maslova, Aspects of the commuting graph, arXiv:2305.07301 [math.GR].

49. N.V. Maslova, On arithmetical properties and arithmetical characterizations of finite groups, arXiv:2401.04633 [math.GR].

48. M.-Zh. Chen, I.B. Gorshkov, N.V. Maslova, N. Yang, On combinatorial properties of Gruenberg--Kegel graphs of finite groups, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 205 (2024), 711–723, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00605-024-02005-6 .

47. N.V. Maslova, 2023 Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics, Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN, 30:1 (2024), 284–293, https://doi.org/10.21538/0134-4889-2024-30-1-284-293 .

46. W. Guo, N.V. Maslova, D.O. Revin, Nonpronormal subgroups of odd index in finite simple linear and unitary groups, Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN, 30:1 (2024), 70–79 (in Russian), https://doi.org/10.21538/0134-4889-2024-30-1-70-79 . English translation: Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 325 (2024), S114–S122, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0081543824030088 .

45. N.V. Maslova, Finite simple groups with two maximal subgroups of coprime orders, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 20:2 (2023), 1150-1159, https://doi.org/10.33048/semi.2023.20.071 , link: http://semr.math.nsc.ru/v20/n2/p1150-1159.pdf .

44. N.V. Maslova, V.V. Panshin, A.M. Staroletov, On characterization by Gruenberg-Kegel graph of finite simple exceptional groups of Lie type, European J. Math., J. Math., 9 (2023), Article number: 78, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40879-023-00672-7 , arXiv:2301.13762 [math.GR].

43. N.V. Maslova, A.A. Shlepkin, On Shunkov groups saturated by almost simple groups, Algebra and Logic, 62:1 (2023), 93-101, https://doi.org/10.33048/alglog.2023.62.106 .

42. N. V. Maslova, D. O. Revin, On the Pronormality of Subgroups of Odd Index in Some Direct Products of Finite Groups, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 22:04 (2023), 2350083, doi: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219498823500834 , arXiv:2003.09479 [math.GR].

41. P.J. Cameron, N.V. Maslova, Criterion of unrecognizability of a finite group by its Gruenberg-Kegel graph, J. Algebra, 607:Part A (2022), 186-213, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jalgebra.2021.12.005 , arXiv:2012.01482v2 [math.GR].

40. N.V. Maslova, K.A. Ilenko, On the coincidence of Gruenberg–Kegel graphs of an almost simple group and a nonsolvable Frobenius group, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 28:2 (2022), 168-175, doi: https://doi.org/10.21538/0134-4889-2022-28-2-168-175 (in Russian). English translation: Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 317 (2022), S130–S135, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0081543822030117 .

39. M.P. Golubyatnikov, N.V. Maslova, On a class of vertex-primitive arc-transitive amply regular graphs, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 28:2 (2022), 258-268, doi: https://doi.org/10.21538/0134-4889-2022-28-2-258-268 .

38. A.P. Khramova, N.V. Maslova, V.V. Panshin, A.M. Staroletov, Characterization of groups E6(3) and 2E6(3) by Gruenberg--Kegel graph, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 18:2 (2021), 1651-1656, doi: https://doi.org/10.33048/semi.2021.18.124 .

37. W. Guo, A. S. Kondrat'ev, N. V. Maslova, Recognition of the Group E_6(2) by Gruenberg–Kegel Graph, Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki URO RAN, 27:4 (2021), 263-268, doi: https://doi.org/10.21538/0134-4889-2021-27-4-263-268 .

36. I.B. Gorshkov, N. V. Maslova, The group J4×J4 is recognizable by spectrum, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 20:04 (2021), 2150061 doi: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219498821500614 .

35. N.V. Maslova, Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics, Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN, 27:1 (2021), 273–282, doi: https://doi.org/10.21538/0134-4889-2021-27-1-273-282 .

34. K.A. Ilenko, N. V. Maslova, On the coincidence of the classes of finite groups E_{\pi_x} and D_{\pi_x}, Sib. Math. J., 62:1 (2021), 44-51, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0037446621010055 .

33. N. V. Maslova, I. N. Belousov, N. A. Minigulov, Open questions formulated at the 13th School–Conference on Group Theory Dedicated to V. A. Belonogov’s 85th Birthday, Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki URO RAN, 2020, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 275–285, doi: 10.21538/0134-4889-2020-26-3-275-285 (in Russian).

32. W. Guo, A. S. Kondrat'ev, N. V. Maslova, L. Miao, Finite groups whose maximal subgroups are solvable or have prime power indices, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 26:2 (2020), 125-131, doi: https://doi.org/10.21538/0134-4889-2020-26-2-125-131 (in Russian). English translation: Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 309 (2020), S47–S51, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0081543820040069 .

31. A. S. Kondrat'ev, N. V. Maslova, D. O. Revin, Finite simple exceptional groups of Lie type in which all the subgroups of odd index are pronormal, Journal of Group Theory, 23 (2020), 999-1016, doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/jgth-2020-0072 .

30. V. V. Kabanov, N. V. Maslova, L. V. Shalaginov, On strictly Deza graphs with parameters (n, k, k-1, a), European Journal of Combinatorics, 80 (2019), 194-202, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejc.2018.07.011 , arXiv:1712.09529 [math.CO].

29. A. S. Kondrat'ev, N. V. Maslova, D. O. Revin, On the pronormality of subgroups of odd index in finite simple groups, in C. Campbell, C. Parker, M. Quick, E. Robertson, and C. Roney-Dougal (Eds.), Groups St Andrews 2017 in Birmingham (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, pp. 406-418). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108692397.016 .

28. A. S. Kondrat'ev, N. V. Maslova, D. O. Revin, On pronormal subgroups in finite simple groups, Doklady Mathematics, 98:2 (2018), 405-408, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S1064562418060029 .

27. W. Guo, N. V. Maslova, D. O. Revin, On the pronormality of subgroups of odd index in some extensions of finite groups, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 59:4 (2018), 610-622, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0037446618040043 .

26. N. V. Maslova, Classification of maximal subgroups of odd index in finite simple classical groups: Addendum, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 15 (2018), 707-718, doi: 10.17377/semi.2018.15.056 , arXiv:1710.01563 [math.GR].

25. I.B. Gorshkov, N. V. Maslova, Finite almost simple groups whose Gruenberg--Kegel graphs coincide with Gruenberg--Kegel graphs of solvable groups, Algebra and Logic, Algebra and Logic, 57:2 (2018), 115-129, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10469-018-9484-7 .

24. C. Zang, W. Guo, N. V. Maslova, D. O. Revin, On Prime Spectrum of Maximal Subgroups in Finite Groups, Algebra Colloquium, 25:4 (2018) 579-584, doi: https://doi.org/10.1142/S1005386718000408 .

23. N. V. Maslova, D. O. Revin, Nonabelian composition factors of a finite group whose maximal subgroups of odd indices are Hall subgroups, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Supplementary issues), 299:Suppl.1 (2017), S148-S157, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0081543817090176 .

22. S. V. Goryainov, G. S. Isakova, V. V. Kabanov, N. V. Maslova, L. V. Shalaginov, On Deza graphs with disconnected second neighborhood of a vertex, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Supplementary issues), 297:Suppl.1 (2017), S97–S107, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S008154381705011X .

21. A. S. Kondrat'ev, N. V. Maslova, D. O. Revin, On the pronormality of subgroups of odd index in finite simple symplectic groups, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 58:3 (2017), 467-475, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0037446617030107 .

20. A. S. Kondrat'ev, N. V. Maslova, D. O. Revin, A pronormality criterion for supplements to abelian normal subgroups, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Supplementary issues), 296:Suppl.1 (2017), S145–S150, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0081543817020134 .

19. N. V. Maslova, D. Pagon, On the realizability of a graph as the Gruenberg–Kegel graph of a finite group, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 13 (2016), 89–100, doi: 10.17377/semi.2016.13.007 .

18. N. V. Maslova, On the finite prime spectrum minimal groups, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Supplementary issues), 295:Suppl.1 (2016), S109–S119, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0081543816090121 .

17. N. V. Maslova, Finite simple groups that are not spectrum critical, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Supplementary issues), 292:Suppl.1 (2016), S211–S215, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0081543816020176 .

16. N. V. Maslova, On the Gruenberg-Kegel graphs of finite groups, Source of the Document CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1662 (2016), 26-31, url: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1662/ .

15. N. V. Maslova, Finite groups with arithmetic restrictions on maximal subgroups, Algebra and Logic, 54:1 (2015), 65–69, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10469-015-9324-y .

14. A. S. Kondrat'ev, N. V. Maslova, D. O. Revin, On the pronormality of subgroups of odd index in finite simple groups, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 56:6 (2015), 1101–1107, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0037446615060142 .

13. N.V. Maslova, D.O. Revin, On the normal structure of a finite group with restrictions on the maximal subgroups, Groups St Andrews 2013. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 422, eds. C. M. Campbell, M. R. Quick, E. F. Robertson, and C. M. Roney-Dougal. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2015), 428–435, doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781316227343 .

12. E. N. Demina, N. V. Maslova, Nonabelian composition factors of a finite group with arithmetic constraints to nonsolvable maximal subgroups, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Supplementary issues), 289:Suppl.1 (2015), S64–S76, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0081543815050065 .

11. N. V. Maslova , On the coincidence of Gruenberg–Kegel graphs of a finite simple group and its proper subgroup, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Supplementary issues), 288:Suppl.1 (2015), S129–S141, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0081543815020133 .

10. A. L. Gavrilyuk, I. V. Khramtsov, A. S. Kondrat'ev, N. V. Maslova, On realizability of a graph as the prime graph of a finite group, Siberian Elektronic Mathematical Reports, 11 (2014), 246–257, url: http://semr.math.nsc.ru/v11/p246-257.pdf .

9. N. V. Maslova, D. O. Revin, On nonabelian composition factors of a finite group that is prime spectrum minimal, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Supplementary issues), 287:Suppl.1 (2014), S116–S127, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0081543814090119 .

8. N. V. Maslova, Classification of maximal subgroups of odd index in finite groups with alternating socle, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Supplementary issues), 285:Suppl.1 (2014), S136–S138, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0081543814050149 .

7. N. V. Maslova, D. O. Revin, Generation of a finite group with Hall maximal subgroups by a pair of conjugate elements, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Supplementary issues), 285:Suppl.1 (2014), S149–S145, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0081543814050150 .

6. N. V. Maslova, D. O. Revin, Finite groups whose maximal subgroups have the Hall property, Siberian Advances in Mathematics, 23:3 (2013), 196–209, doi: https://doi.org/10.3103/S105513441303005X .

5. N. V. Maslova, Nonabelian composition factors of a finite group whose all maximal subgroups are Hall, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 53:5 (2012), 853–861, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0037446612050102 .

4. N. V. Maslova, Maximal subgroups of odd index in finite groups with simple linear, unitary, or symplectic socle, Algebra and Logic, 50:2 (2011), 133–145, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10469-011-9128-7 .

3. N.V. Maslova, Maximal Subgroups Of Odd Index In Finite Groups With Simple Classical Socle, Groups St Andrews 2009. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 387:2, eds. C. M. Campbell, M. R. Quick, E. F. Robertson, C. M. Roney-Dougal, G.C. Smith, and G. Traustason. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2011), 473–479, doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511842474.013 .

2. N. V. Maslova, Classification of maximal subgroups of odd index in finite groups with simple orthogonal socle, Trudy Inst. Mat. i Mekh. UrO RAN, 16:4 (2010), 237–245 (in Russian).

1. N. V. Maslova, Classification of maximal subgroups of odd index in finite simple classical groups, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Supplementary issues), 267:Suppl.1 (2009), S164–S183, doi: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0081543809070153 .


N. V. Maslova, K. A. Yakunin, Computer program "Maximal subgroups of odd index in finite simple classcalal groups over fields of odd characteristics" realizing the classification of maximal subgroups of odd index in finite simple classcalal groups over fields of odd characteristics. Patent No. 2017662127 (c) Ural Federal University.


2018-Present: Group Theory, master students (mathematics).

2015-Present: Group Theory, bachelor students (mathematics).

2011- Present: Finite Field Theory, undergraduate students (mathematics).

2015-2016: Information Theory, undergraduate students (mathematics).

2012-2014: Discrete Mathematics, undergraduate students (economics).

2011-2013: Mathematical Logics, undergraduate students (economics).


Mal'tsev Meeting 2024 in Novosibirsk, Russia 2024 (plenary speaker).

Topics in Group Theory - on the occasion of Andrea Lucchini's 60th(+) birthday, Padova, Italy, 2024 (invited talk).

Algebraic groups: the White Nights season IV, Conference in memory of Nikolai Vavilov (1952-2023), Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2024 (invited talk).

Algebra and mathematical logictheory and applications, Kazan, Russia, 2024 (plenary talk).

Huaiyin Normal University 2024 Group Theory Seminar, Huaian, China, 2024 (invited talk).

Ischia Group Theory - 2024, Ischia, Naples, Italy, 2024 (invited talk).

Groups, Semigroups, Algebraic Combinatorics, and Related Topics, Haikou, Hainan, 2023 (invited speaker in parallel talks).

II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Mathematics in the modern world" dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian mathematician D. A. Grave, Vologda, Russia, 2023 (plenary speaker); https://www.mathnet.ru/php/conference.phtml?confid=2288&option_lang=&option_lang=eng .

International Conference "Algebra and dynamical systems" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of A.A. Makhnev, Nalchik, Russia, 2023 (plenary speaker); http://algebra.imm.uran.ru .

International Conference on Group Theory in honor of Victor Mazurov on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2023 (plenary speaker); https://sites.google.com/view/mazurov2023 .

Finite and Residually Finite Groups, Bilbao, Spain, 2023 (plenary speaker); https://acciarricristina.wixsite.com/pavel60/ .

10th Slovenian Conference on Graph Theory Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, 2023 (invited speaker of the minisimposium "Applications of Graphs in Algebra, Linear Algebra, and Functional Analysis"); https://sicgt.si .

Congress of Young Scientists-2022, Sirius, Sochi, Russia, 2022 (speaker of the session "Mathematical Sciences: Educational and Research Mission"); https://конгресс.наука.рф/program/ .

2ND CONFERENCE OF MATHEMATICAL CENTERS OF RUSSIA, Moscow, Russia, 2022 (plenary speaker); https://mathcenter.ru/en/conf-mathcenters-2 ; record of the talk (in Russian) https://www.mathnet.ru/php/presentation.phtml?option_lang=rus&presentid=36685 .

The 7th Workshop on Algebraic Graph Theory and its Applications in Novosibirsk-Online, Russia, 2022 (keynote speaker).

XIII School-Conference on Group Theory, dedicated to the memory of V.A. Belonogov, V.A. Vedernikov, and L.A. Shemetkov, Bryansk, Russia, 2022 (plenary speaker).

II World Meeting for Women in Mathematics - (WM)^2, Online, 2022 (plenary speaker); https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf6iLovBuXsB4JFZ4wsIRRA .

Algebra and dynamical systems dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of S.N. Chernikov, Nalchik, Russai, 2022 (invited talk).

Ischia Group Theory - 2022, Ischia, Naples, Italy, 2022 (contributed talk).

International Algebraic Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of A.I. Starostin in Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2021 (plenary speaker).

8ECM: Graphs and Groups, Geometries and GAP - G2G2 (MS - ID 7) in Portoroz-Online, Slovenia, 2021 (contributed talk).

GOThIC (Ischia Online Group Theory Conference) in Ischia-Online, Italy, May 2021 https://sites.google.com/unisa.it/e-igt2020/schedule-spring-semester (invited talk).

The 4th Workshop on Algebraic Graph Theory and its Applications in Novosibirsk-Online, Russia, 2021 (keynote speaker).

Actual problems of mathematics and its applications, International (51-th National) Youth School-Conference in Yekaterinburg-Online, Russia, 2021 (keynote speaker).

Algebra and its Applications dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Perm Algebraic school of S.N. Chernikov in Perm-Online, Russia, 2020 (plenary speaker).

2020 Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics in Yekaterinburg-Online, Russia, 2020 (contributed talk).

XIII School-Conference on Group Theory in honor of the 85th Birthday of Professor V.A. Belonogov, Yekaterinburg-Online, Russia, 2020 (plenary speaker).

Actual problems of mathematics and its applications, International (51-th National) Youth School-Conference in Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2020 (keynote speaker).

Groups and Graphs, Designs and Dynamics in Yichang, China, 2019 (contributed talk).

2019 Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics in Yekaterinburg, 2019 (keynote speaker).

Symmetry vs Regularity in Pilsen, Czech Republic, 2018 (contributed talk).

International Workshop on Groups, Representations and Related Topics (2018 IWGRR), Chongqing, China, 2018 (invited talk).

XII School-Conference on Group Theory in Honor of the 65th Birthday of Professor Alexander A. Makhnev, Gelendzhik, Russia, 2018 (plenary speaker).

Korea-Japan Workshop on Algebra and Combinatorics in Pusan, South Korea, 2018 (invited talk).

Groups St Andrews 2017 in Birmingham, UK (contributed talk).

Groups and Graphs, Metrics and Manifolds in Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2017 (contributed talk).

Conference on Geometric and Combinatorial Methods in Group Theory in honor of Mark Sapir's 60th birthday, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA, 2017 (poster).

International Workshop on Algebraic Combinatorics At Anhui University in Hefei, China, 2016 (contributed talk).

Graphs and Groups, Spectra and Symmetries in Novosibirsk, Russia, 2016 (contributed talk).

Groups and Graphs, Algorithms and Automata in Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2015 (plenary speaker).

Maltsev Meeting 2014 in Novosibirsk, Russia 2014 (plenary speaker).

Groups St Andrews 2013 in St Andrews, UK (contributed talk).

The International Conference on Group Theory in Honor of the 70th Birthday of Professor Victor D. Mazurov in Novosibirsk, Russia (contributed talk).

Groups 2012, A conference in honor of the 75th birthday of Bernd Fischer in Bielefeld, Germany (poster).

Finite groups and their automorphisms in Istanbul, Turkey, 2011 (contributed talk).

Groups and Their Actions 2010 in Bedlewo, Poland (contributed talk).

Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath, UK (contributed talk).


Shafarevich Seminar, April 18, 2023, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute, https://www.mathnet.ru/php/seminars.phtml?&presentid=38775&option_lang=eng .

Groups and Combinatorics seminar of The University of Western Australia in Perth, 2 talks on October 2019, http://staffhome.ecm.uwa.edu.au/~00059629/GroupsAndCombinatoricsSeminar/S19.html , talks on October 2021 and October 2022, https://stephenglasby.github.io/GandCSeminars/ .

Research Seminar in Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, October 2020, http://www.cqwu.net/article_304556.html .

Research Seminar of the Department of Higher Algebra MSU in Moscow State University, October 2018, http://halgebra.math.msu.su/wiki/doku.php/shared:seminars_main-1 (in Russian).

Combinatorics Seminar 2018 in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, February 2018 http://math.sjtu.edu.cn/conference/Bannai/2018/home.php .

Seminar on Algebra and Combinatorics in at Pusan National University, February 2018.

Invited talk in School of Mathematical Sciences in Anhui University, January 2018 http://math.ahu.edu.cn/en/typenews.asp?id=90 .

Group Theory, Novosibirsk, Russia, April 2016, February 2017, and December 2019.

Algebra and Logic, Novosibirsk, Russia, April 2016 and December 2019 http://math.nsc.ru/~alglog/ses16-3.html .

Graph Theory, Novosibirsk, Russia, February 2017.

Seminar Oddelka za matematiko in racunalnistvo FNM UM, Maribor, Slovenia, April 2015 https://omr.fnm.um.si/index.php/2015/04/08/on-spectrum-non-critical-finite-simple-groups/ and November 2016 https://omr.fnm.um.si/index.php/2016/11/02/on-finite-groups-and-their-gruenberg-kegel-graphs/ .

Raziskovalni matematicni seminar FAMNIT UP, Koper, Slovenia, April 2015 https://www.famnit.upr.si//en/research/math-seminar/15 and November 2016 https://www.famnit.upr.si//en/research/math-seminar/16 .

5th USTC-AHU Joint seminar, Hefei, China, March 2016.

Group Theory Seminar at the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, April http://math.ustc.edu.cn/new/En/bencandy.php?fid=32&id=1175 and October 2016 http://math.ustc.edu.cn/new/En/bencandy.php?fid=32&id=1231 .

Algebra, geometry and number theory seminar of the Mathematical Institute, University of Leiden, Leiden, Netherlands, November 2016.




Algebra and Logic, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Communications in Algebra, Descrete Mathematics, Designs Codes and Cryptography, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, International Journal of Group Theory, Journal of Algebra, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, Journal of Group Theory, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, Mathematical Notes, Mathematics Student, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico di Padova, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, Siberian Mathematical Journal, Ural Mathematical Journal.


The Ural Seminar on Group Theory and Combinatorics (Yekaterinburg-Online, every other week with some exceptions from December 2020), https://uwgtc.imm.uran.ru .


IV Conference of Mathematical Centers of Russia (Saint Petersburg, Russia, August 6-11, 2024), co-chair of the Section of Algebra, https://mc4-conf.ru

XV School-Conference on Group Theory dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of M. I. Kargapolov (Yekaterinburg, Russia, July 21-28, 2024), deputy chair of the Program Committee and the Organizing Committee of the conference https://group.imm.uran.ru

A series of conferences "Actual problems of mathematics and its applications", International (from 40-th to 55th National) Youth School-Conference (Yekaterinburg, Russia, yearly from 2010 to 2024, chairing the Section of Algebra from 2018), http://conf.uran.ru/Default.aspx?cid=sopromat .

III Conference of Mathematical Centers of Russia (Maykop, Russia, October 10-15, 2023), co-chair of the Section of Algebra, https://mathcenter.kpfu.ru/tpost/a8vnb4n3j1-iii-konferentsiya-matematicheskih-tsentr

II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Mathematics in the modern world" dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian mathematician D. A. Grave (Vologda, Russia, September 19-23, 2023), chair of the section "Theory of Semigroups and Groups, Theory of Rings and Modules, Discrete Mathematics", https://www.mathnet.ru/php/conference.phtml?confid=2288&option_lang=&option_lang=eng .

Groups and Graphs, Semigroups and Synchronization (Sochi with Online-part, Russia, August 9-13, 2021), http://conf.uran.ru/Default?cid=g2s2 as a section Groups and Graphs of the Conference of International Mathematical Centers of the Word Level https://siriusmathcenter.ru/all-russian-conference .

2020 Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics (Yekaterinburg-Online, Russia, August 24-30, 2020), chair of the worksop, https://conf.uran.ru/Default?cid=2020uwgtc .

2019 Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics (Yekaterinburg, Russia, March 22-24, 2019), chair of the worksop.

Groups and Graphs, Metrics and Manifolds (Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2017), http://g2.imm.uran.ru/g2m2/ .

Groups and Graphs, Algorithms and Automata (Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2015), http://g2a2.imm.uran.ru/ .

School on algebra and algebraic geometry (Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2011), http://www.marina-p.info/School-on-Algebra-and-Algebraic-Geometry .


Prof.Sergey Schpectorov from University of Birmingham (Birmingham, UK) https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/staff/profiles/maths/shpectorov-sergey.aspx (September 2018).

Prof. Tatsuro Ito from Kanazawa University (Kanazawa, Japan) and Anhui University (Hefei, China) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tatsuro_Ito (September 2018).

Prof. Chris Parker from University of Birmingham (Birmingham, UK) https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/staff/profiles/maths/parker-christopher.aspx (March 2019).

Prof. Akihiro Munemasa from Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan) http://www.math.is.tohoku.ac.jp/~munemasa/index-e.html (March 2019).

Prof. Alexandre Zalesski from University of East Anglia (Norwich, UK) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alexandre_Zalesski (March 2019).

Prof. Stephen Glasby from The University of Western Australia (Perth, Australia) https://research-repository.uwa.edu.au/en/persons/stephen-glasby (March 2019).

Dr. Yuta Watanabe form National Institute of Technology, Ube College (Ube, Japan) https://researchmap.jp/yutawatanabe/?lang=english (March 2019).

PhD Student Keiji Ito from Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Keiji_Ito (March 2019).


American Mathematical Society from 2018.

Ural Mathematical Society from 2012.


English, Russian (native speaker).

SOME MATHEMATICS GENEALOGY (see Mathematics Genealogy Project of AMS).

Branch 1:

Pacioli, Luca -> Novara da Ferrara, Domenico (1483) -> Copernicus, Nicolaus (1499) -> Rheticus, Georg Joachim (1535) -> Steinmetz, Moritz (1550, 1567) -> Calvisius, Sethus (1582) -> Schmidt, Erasmus (1592) -> Zapf, Nicolaus (1622) -> Strauch, Aegidius (1633) -> Walther, Michael d. J. (1656) -> Pasch, Johann (1683) -> Planer, Johann (1686) -> Hausen, Christian (1713)

Branch 2:

Leibniz, Friedrich (1622) -> Thomasius, Jakob (1643) -> Mencke, Otto (1665) -> Wichmannshausen, Johann (1685) -> Hausen, Christian (1713)

Final Branch: Hausen, Christian (1713) -> Kastner, Abraham (1739) -> Bartels, Johann (1799) -> Lobachevsky, Nikolai -> Brashman, Nikolai (1834) -> Chebyshev, Pafnuty (1849) -> Korkin, Alexander (1860, 1867) -> Grave, Dmitry (1896) -> Chebotarev, Nikolay -> Kontorovich, Petr -> Starostin, Albert (1960) -> Kondratiev, Anatolii (1977) -> Maslova, Natalia (2011) ->???


Interview to the official newspaper "Poisk" of the Russian Academy of Science (in Russian) http://www.poisknews.ru/theme/science/36347/ .

Interview to the official newspaper "Nauka Urala" of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (in Russian) http://www.uran.ru/node/6441 .